Jaisalmer-one-way taxi service

In 1156, Rawal Jaisal occupied his new capital in the form of a mud fort and named it Jaisalmer after himself. According to many historians, the Sikh Jats of Majha and Malwa Doab’s and the rulers of Kapurthala state in Doaba in Punjab trace their direct lineage to Jaisalmer royal families over the centuries.


From 1st century to 6th century the present jesalmer region was in the rule of Raika . Raika comes from Kutch and occupy three ancient villages . Ladarva is a capital of Raika. Between Raika and Bhati this region was controled by local sindhi tribes . Bhati comes from bhatner and take manage of this region. The Maharajas of Jaisalmer trace their lineage back to Jaitsimha, a emperior of a Bhati yadav clan, through Deoraj, a famous prince of the Yaduvanshi Bhati, Rajput during the 9th century. With him the title of “Rawal” begin . According to legend, Deoraj has to marry the daughter of a neighbouring chief. Deoraj’s father and 800 of his family and followers were shocked and slaughtered at the wedding. Deoraj escaped with the aid of a Brahmin yogi who differentiate the prince as a fellow Brahmin. When confronted by the rival chief’s followers hunting for Deoraj, the Brahmin satisfied them that the man with him was another Brahmin by eating from the same dish, something no Brahmin holy man would do with someone of other caste. Deoraj and his enduring clan participants were able to get back from the loss of so many such that later he built the stronghold of Derawar. Deoraj later catched Laudrava from another rajput clan and made it his capital.

The main opponents of the Bhati were the Rathor clans of Jodhpur and Bikaner. They were used to fight battles for the possession of forts and waterholes as from old times the Jaisalmer region had been criss-crossed by camel caravan trade routes which connects northern India and central Asia with the ports of Gujarat on the Arabian Sea coast of India and therefore on to Persia and Arabia and Egypt. Jaisalmer’s location made it ideally situated as a staging post and for imposing taxes on this trade.

In the 12th century, Rawal Jaisal the elder son of the Rawal of Deoraj was progressed over in grace of a younger half-brother for the crown of Laudrava. While inspecting out Trikuta a massive triangular rock extending more than 75 metres out of the environment sands as a more secured place for a new capital, Rawal Jaisal meet a sage known as Eesul, who was staying on the rock. Upon knowing that Jaisal was of yaduvanshi descent, Eesul told him that according to old mythology Krishna and Bhima had come to this location for a ceremony, where Krishna had prophesied that a offsprings of yaduvanshi clan would one day occupied a kingdom here Eesul showed him a spring which Krishna had made and his prophecy craved into a rock. Encouraged by this meeting Rawal committed to shift his capital to this location despite Eesul predicting that it would be sacked two and a half times.

The first jauhar of Jaisalmer take palce in 1294, during the reign of Turkic ruler of Delhi, Alauddin Khalji. It was encouraged by Bhatis’ raid on a huge treasure caravan being transported on 3000 horses and mules. Alauddin Khalji was so angry that his army marched upon Jaisalmer. According to local ballads, the Bhatis protected the fort for 8 years during which the forces left outside of the walls take place themselves attacking the supply lines of the besiegers. During the siege Rawal Jethsi died and got the victory by his son Mulraj II. By 1294 the besiegers had collected enough reinforcements that they were able to impose a complete blockade of the fort which soon exhausted the Bhati’s ammunition and food. The Bhatis, facing certain defeat, decided there was no possibility but to perform the rite of jauhar. 24,000 women committed suicide, most on a funeral pyre though several were killed by the swords of their male relations when the pyre established too small. The men 3,800, in number then threw open the doors of the fort and advanced to their death. after some years Jaisalmer remained abandoned before the surviving Bhatis recaptured it.

In the late 14th century, Firuz Shah Tughluq, a Turkic emperior of Delhi, also besieged Jaisalmer after a prince of Jaisalmer raided his camp at Anasagar Lake near Ajmer and conveyed away his prize steed. The siege led to the second jauhar of the agur, the suicide of 16,000 women and the death of Rawal Dudu and his son Tilaski together with 1,700 warriors. During the 15th century the Bhatis once again reobtained the site and continued to rule with some independence.

The “half jauhar” of the prophecy take place in the 16th century when Amir Ali, an Afghan chieftain obtained Rawal Lunakaran’s allowence to let his partner visit the queens of Jaisalmer. Rather of a retinue of palanquins containing women they were full of armed fighters, which took the guards of the fort by surprise. When it seen to the Rawal that he was fighting a losing battle he slaughtered his womenfolk with his own hands as there have enough time to arrange a funeral pyre. Tragically instently after the deed was done, reinforcements arrived, sparing the men from the Jauhar and Amir Ali was beated and blown up by a cannonball. Therefore, it is called a semi jauhar or Sako.

In 1818, the Rawals of Jaisalmer inscribed a agreement with the British, and was guaranteed the royal succession. Jaisalmer was last rajput states to sign a document with the British. Jaisalmer was exacted to invoke the supply of the document and call on the services of the British in 1829 to avert a war with Bikaner and 10 years later in 1839 for the First Anglo-Afghan War.

During the British Rule, Jaisalmer was the seat of a royal state of the same name, and was entitled to a 15 gun salute. As traditionally, the main source of income for the empire was levies on caravans . The economy was heavily got affected when Bombay emerged as a main port and sea trade replaced the traditional land routes. Maharawals Ranjit Singh and Bairi Sal Singh attempted to turn around the refuse but the dramatic reduction in trade impoverished the kingdom. A severe drought and resulting famine from 1895 to 1900 during the rule of Maharawal Shalivahan Singh only made matters worse by causing deep loss of the livestock that the increasingly agriculturally based kingdom relied upon. Maharawal Jawahir Singh’s (1914–49) attempts at modernization also failed to turn the empire economy around and it remained isolated and backwards differentiate with other areas of Rajasthan.